Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sep 15, 3:39 PM

The relationship between the sonic and the visual interests me a great deal. Like musical notes on a staff I place brush strokes on a graph. I think about Descartes and Einstein's "System of Coordinates" and how space is mapped out in three dimensions and when you add the dimension of time you enter the fourth dimension where film and sound merge and the visual and the sonic converge in a square of synergy. I want to explore these ideas and the possibilities are endless. Currently I am working in acrylic paint on canvas since my digital studio almost was destroyed by a flood, I felt compelled urgently to put my thoughts down with a brush and in a sort of urgent rush I managed to produce a decent iteration quickly. I have so much more to do. I also purchased a digital recorder recently and want to create my own soundtracks to accompany me while I paint, draw and sculpt to create a closed creative system where everything is original and refers to past works and forges new territory for the future. I want to contribute what I can with the time I have to demonstrate the relationships between disciplines that I see as essentially the same format just using different tools and materials to translate the idea of capturing energy in as many different media as my means will allow and find permutations within the various media, photography, video, sound, music, painting, writing, drawing and sculpture. These ideas are not new but it is my goal to find my own way and my own voice by combining and finding my way within parameters of finite time and spaces to explore the infinite realm of the fractions within and in-between the borders of this rubric. It is not just thinking 'outside the box' which seems so popular as of late, but rather at all the infinite possibilities within in it. To make the best better to develop and grow and to show the interrelationships between media will give the viewer hopefully a new key to his or her imagination and to view each individual as a unique entity with creative capabilities and freedom within the confines, the rules and regulations, the parameters of a finite time on earth, life is not eternal though we might wish it were. There are limits and schedules and small chunks of freedom within the life that should be and for me must be filled with products of my own creative impulse. Otherwise guilt takes over and I feel that I have wasted my time but if I learn from my mistakes, then I can solve the problems of the present constructively and develop momentum and even if only in some small way make my dreams come true and approximate my ideals. This is the goal to find our way as a creative culture is not only a gift it is a responsibility. To make life interesting is the artists function as Isamu Noguchi said and I agree with him but would also like to add that with that function is a responsibility to work. Within every problem there lies an opportunity and a freedom within parameters and constraints. Patience and calmness are key in developing the vision and intuitive insight and to find unique solutions and to produce a fresh new vision takes a lot of thought and a lot of time but if the individual can devote even just a little time each day to find his or her own way to make something to create from the arsenal of unique memories within and find something of some use then that makes for a better life. This is the time when creatively pursuing dreams is in jeopardy, with terrorism and computers and cameras watching there is the danger that privacy and creative freedom is becoming extinct. That is why the idea of freedom within the individual own individual mind is so important. Without an imagination I don't know if I could survive the rhythms and disciplines of life in America at the turn of the century. These are dark times and we must find within ourselves the resolve to begin and begin again to find the inner light that is the critical role of the arts. Focusing on positive thinking skills has enabled me to navigate through the death of my mentor, the loss of my job and to embark on another degree at a university. Positive thinking is a habit and a skill that must be developed it there is to be any reason for the artist and the creative community to exist, this facet of purpose is crucial to uplift, to inspire to give hope and to dream of a better way of live for all the inhabitants of this small, fragile, blue green spaceship earth that is priceless and there is no way to discern what it is worth. This is our hope and it is a responsibility to not just view it as a place of consumers, using up resources but to think back and ahead and to anticipate the future with open eyes, hearts and minds. The purpose of the artist is to make life fun and to find ways to recreate ourselves in a new way. Recreation is another word for fun. So as we go through this transitory life let us find our own individual way harmonically and together as well as separately let us pursue happiness and find a way through and toward a common goal of peace, prosperity and beauty. Surely if we can work individually and collectively we can find a new resolved purpose to find a way to put an end to raw greed and to share and to ensure that no one is hungry or sick or without shelter and clothing though these are dark economic times and the world market may seem in peril if we could take a step back and look at what we have and what we lack surely if we can put a man on the moon then what is stopping us from putting food, clothing and shelter on all our native inhabitants of earth? This is not outside the realm of possibility this is the time when we need to really assess the difference between what we want, what we need, and what is basically just excess greed. A brave new world is on the horizon and I for one cannot wait for it to get here and to renew the role of the creative mind as a way out and over and through any adversity to navigate life with a sense of balance, an even keel to calmly address the problems of the present after practicing and learning from mistakes as the earth may quake and shake, seemingly quick decisions must be made and fast if this Mother blue green space ship earth is built to last and I for one hope that it is and that cities and natures can coexist that man and nature can find boundaries, parameters and a harmonious balance will be restored to a life on earth that will enable longevity and peace. Not just a sudden press of the button where everything changes and is destroyed but a well thought out, considered strategy for the tolerant inhabitants of but mankind and nature to exist simultaneous each caring for each other and restoring a balance to life here on this small, fragile, blue green space ship, Mother Earth. As Maya Angelou said, "I know why the caged bird sings..." And I want to add that within each and every heart let there be a sense of hope, of possibility and ultimately a sense of art. For far too long artistic endeavors have been marginalized and reduced to being totally dependent on money and galleries and museums and having very little to do with the everyday lives of the common men and women who may never have the opportunity to see life through new eyes to find the freedom within. As artists, I feel it is up to us to show and give them that opportunity to unlock the prison of the mind and to find a key within to freedom and happiness and the reward and fulfillment derived from making things.

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