Thursday, November 4, 2010

8.25.10 by Paul Snelson II on Wednesday, August 25, 2010 at 5:15pm

8.25.10 Home 5:00PM The system of coordinates that governs perception from the molecule to the Milky Way is one in which includes a network, a scaffolding that contains all visual phenomena. If a spark of a thought could start a fire of inspiration in the collective imagination of the entire population what then could we accomplish as a group that individually could not be solved alone.? If we could all arrive at the same conclusion that we are inextricably linked in the way that we think and communicate perhaps as a group we could achieve prosperity, peace and harmony all around the world. This is not just another utopian day dream. We are positioned on the edge of a creative break through where the structure of thought unites the imaginations and creates a new synthetic balance across all fields and modes of creative output. This network of minds will be a powerful force in the future where as a discovery is made it is instantly communicated across oceans and continents and the entire planet is illuminated like a beehive made of fireflies. If each one of us cares even in only some small way and then shares; what could be accomplished in just a little amount of time? Einstein created a legacy, a rhyme of space and time that changes perception without question and gives the artists of the future a new point of departure. What if a poet became an astronaut and during his or her trip into outer space sent back to the earth messages that would inspire the landlocked to think about existence in a new way? Is peace on earth and good will toward men really just another delusion of grandure? Surely together we could solve things like: the offshore drilling that is spilling and poisoning our most precious resource: water; also the problem of starvation, surely if we can transport weapons to remote locations, bullets, missiles, bombs and tanks then could we not transport the basic nutrients of substances to share the cornucopia of our wealth to promote the health of all citizens of the world. This is not just another revolutionary political scheme or a daydream. This is reality. We have the technology and the resources to make choices to have all the voices crying out in disease and hunger to be heard and if we work together with diligence and of one mind we can ensure longevity and prosperity for all mankind. We can no longer be blind we must find a purpose in the circle of our lives and strive to make this earth a safe and habitable place. To simply think of nature as a resource to be consumed is a disgrace. What has been stolen should be replaced. This is the twenty first century and a new era has begun and our generation must be equipped with not only knowledge and technical ability but with creativity, intuition, ingenuity and the vision to make wise decisions that are thought through and tested to improve and to make our best efforts even better. It is up to you. The concept of every man for himself is antiquated and dead. We must focus on our similarity and find the common threads that when woven together forms the very fabric of life itself. The idea of uniting the collective imagination to solve the problems of the present constructively by learning from the mistakes of the past is not hocus pocus or magic. We must focus on the tasks at hand and build a culture that will last through the next millennium and beyond. In America the self absorbed, self centered egocentric nation that has been hoarding and gorging on food, fuel and technology must look out for the new frontier a new global mindset that is informed and ready to resolve problems not just outside the box but from the inside out. The trick is not just to think outside the box, but at all the infinite possibilities within it. With the rise of violence and terror that opened the door to a heightened sense of defense and military security the sense that anything goes has been compromised and creative freedom must first and foremost be within the mind and thought out rationally before any idea is executed in both senses of that word. This is a dark time for creative minds and a new galvanized strength of imagination that includes width, depth and length in the architecture of the future and the music of science and the molecular symphony of DNA that proves that there is a code and a structure that proves that we are all part of the same building blocks and yet each one of us is unique. There is no more time to play, hide and seek. The days of the secret are numbered and a new union that has been asleep for the last one hundred years is about to either light up the planet with solutions or destroy her with the push of a button. We must end this insatiable greed that seems to inspire so many and the need for speed while seductive must be handled with caution. As an artist, I intend to always be present and mindful in the moment and to do my very best to end violence and torment of all my fellow creatures. I am only one voice but I am committed and have made the choice to use my faculties being they what they may, for the greater good. Now is the time for all men, women and children and all those in between to come to the aid of the planet and ask ourselves not what the world can do for you but what can you do for the world? If each citizen could free themsleves from the prison of current circumstance and find within themselves the tools of creativity, ingenuity, innovation as a survival skill will thrill and excite the impoverished as their wishes for better lives with clean water and food on every table will and can be fulfilled. It is jealousy and hatred for the blind American mindset that turned an American airplane, made in America, into a weapon that has slayed the sloth of Wall Street and changed the way freedom is perceived and achieved forever after. And if as Americans we continue along this path the rest of the world will merely laugh and say, "I told you so". The possibility for change has never been a more urgent matter than right now. Americans have an opportunity to work together as guardians of prosperity and freedom and to work with the United Imaginations of our fellow countries to make our one and only home, this big blue space ship earth a better place for each and every member of the human race. We can protect all people from fear the choice is clear and a new day is near this is what I have always wanted to hear: "Welcome! Welcome! Welcome Home!" We can uplift each other with our Art and replace the tragic with magic. The baton is being passed to a new generation of imaginations we must teach them about the reverence for life and to end strife around the world and to make the best better. This letter is my prayer and I hope to contribute my fair share to the beauty and prosperity of the world and find new ways to enlightened and uplift the minds of the current time with thoughts of hope for a better tomorrow, and to end sorrow and the need to beg, steal and borrow, to follow my heart if only to start a new movement of improvement built on the foundation of positive thinking skills and generating ideas and products right here right now to make my people proud once again and to give back to my predecessors and professors the credit for teaching and reaching out to me with their knowledge and wisdom as I make my way through college and on to new fields that heretofore have yet to be imagined. To combine spontaneity and rhythm into one all encompassing vision, an opera that demonstrates the power of united imaginations in a brave new world where every boy and girl is appreciated and nurtured along the one and only road of life itself, to add a new look and a new book to the shelf and to put an end to need and greed, to find a way to grow and gain contentment just in the ability to know.

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